
According to the philosophical law at the «unity and conflict of opposites» a range of hypothesis are given about the world structure, micro-particles and antimatter and atoms.

The work reveals the secret of duality of the properties of the electron (of the electron properties) i.e. particle, wave.

After analysis the properties of the black hole, the conclusion was drawn that the black hole is antimatter.


In 1922, the Danish scientist Niels Bohr received the Nobel Prize for unveiling the theory of the atom, based on the planetary model. The atom represents in itself a positively charged nucleus, around which revolve negatively charged electrons. Lenin said at the time: ‘The electron is as inexhaustible as the atom’.

Bohr’s postulates formed the basis of modern quantum mechanics.

Study of the properties of the electron demonstrated that the electron manifests the properties of a particle and the properties of an electro-magnetic wave. The duality of the properties of the electron has to this day received no explanation. Also unknown is the nature of the electrical charge.

Any atom is an electro-neutral particle. If an electron leaves an atom, there remains a positively charged ion. Consequently, within the nucleus there is a further carrier of a positive charge. Of the particles known to us the carriers of a positive charge are the positrons and the protons.

We do not know the structure of the proton and the neutron. The mass of each of them is more than the mass of an electron by an order of more than three.

In the work of the ancient Greek philosopher Plato called the ‘Timaeus’ there is, in part, talk of the formation of the world by God. Everything said in this work is set out in allegorical form.

Black Hole — Anti-matter (Translator B. George Hewitte).pdf